As I've been asked to create a lookbook for a wedding dress designer, I thought it would make sense to research into existing lookbooks / publications for inspiration.
I love the simplicity of this publication, and how they've made it look interesting even though it's mainly image based. I think it also helps that the photos used are really interesting themselves. I like the idea of an inconsistent layout, but it depends what the client is going for.
I like the idea of using coloured stock on certain pages within the publication, to pull the branding in. I also think these kind of layouts are more what the client is looking for, as she has stated that the publication will be mainly image based, and little text.
I like this lookbook, because of the fact the publication is focusing completely on the images and hardly any typography has been used at all, so there isn't anything that is going to distract you from looking at the clothes that they're promoting!
I love the simplicity and minimalistic feel to this look book. Even though there are more images to each page, it's done in a structured and clear way, so it still feels minimal and not over the top. Also, the lack of typography once again stops you from feeling distracted from the images. I also quite like the plain white and grey colour scheme, with colour only being found in the photography.
This publication interested me, because I found the images quite alluring and the illustrative / collage feel that a lot of the pages had to them. Once again I loved the simplicity to the publication, and found that it worked really well alongside the busy and colourful photography.
I didn't like this publication at all, as I felt like it was far too vector based, and more about the strange design aesthetic than the images themselves. I felt like the designer was trying a bit too hard to be "hipster" with his design work, and it felt like something that was too on trend, and not suiting the context.
I've definitely realised that I prefer minimal design styles for this brief! The publications should show off the photography, rather than distracting your eyes.
- Leave your comment • Category: Brief 01 - Tephi Lookbook, Live Briefs, OUGD603
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