Bus stop mockup
I thought that using the flashing poster image at the bus stop could work, as it would make the image a lot more interesting, than just a usual bus stop poster, as it moves and changes colour.
Joe thought that it might look better if the light on the floor changed colour to suit each poster image, but this didn't really work. It's probably because I'm not really a photoshop pro, so we deleted the floor colours from the gif.
I thought that the added floor flashes of colour made it seem a bit too much like a party at the bus stop!
Using the same idea, I thought I'd show how it would look from front on.
I also thought about how the patterns could work within some signage on the street. I don't think using two city images next to one another works.
Using one city image and then the capital north logo on the other sign works a lot better, as it helps the viewer understand the poster and gives a name to the brand.
Also thought that the posters could be used in places like train stations and even in the underground stations in London, to advertise to Southerners as well as Northerners.
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