Me and J'nae met up to talk about Lunasol and where we were going to take the brand.
We considered exactly what we wanted to produce for the brand:
And the kinds of products that we would sell and use for our shoots:
We also discussed what we needed to begin on this week and over Easter and wrote a To Do list for the upcoming few weeks:
I sent a message to Victoria Cadisch - a photographer who would be perfect for our brand. She said she's really interested in working with us, but needs to check the dates!!
Her work can be found here:
Some examples of Vic's photography:
Vic has a really distinct style to her photographs - they feel really soft and elegant, yet fashionable and trendy. I also know her quite well so it would be easy to engage with her and collaborate on a high creative level.
We also had a look at several different bohemian inspired products and brands to get more of a feel as to what we want to include within our brand:
The types of jewellery we use is important. Everything will need to follow a bohemian theme to reflect the brand well and hold the continuity. Headdresses will look perfect on models.
We both love the look and feel of Shop Dixi's website, and the jewellery that they stock. It's all very gypsy / bohemian-esque and they have a lot of luna related jewels too.
Elemental Child produce a variety of absolutely gorgeous quartz crystal crowns! We loved these. Annoyingly they cost between $100-$600, but we had a look elsewhere online and found cheaper alternatives on Etsy..
We even thought we could have a go at making one for the shoot - doesn't have to be amazing quality, as long as it holds together for the shoot!!
Metallic temporary tattoos are also a must have. We thought that the overall aesthetic of gold and silver on the skin alongside silver and gold jewellery will be really aesthetically pleasing and complementary to one another. It will also reflect on the branding styles, and the overall bohemian look.
Even temporary tattoos in the form of suns and moons - these would be extremely relevant to the brand, due to the name Lunasol!!
As we both really love the colours you get from iridescent film etc, we thought about foiling our business cards with iridescent foil. Then we discovered you can get iridescent vinyl! This will be really useful, as we could vinyl cut our logo and stick it on the business cards / packaging / models etc.
Bindis are pretty - in particular crescent moon bindis, to go with the theme of the brand!
Henna would be a nice addition to hands and feet on the models, as this will add decoration to the skin and complement the silver jewellery that they're modelling.
Model wise - we're keeping a look out for girls with dreads, so we can decorate their hair with beads and feathers etc. Plus dreadlocks are very bohemian / hippy-esque. But obviously finding a model with dreadlocks will be quite difficult, as it's very niche!
Long, wavy hair could also work as we can add plaits and beads to it still and it's very typical boho when it's wavy and long.
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