I really didn’t enjoy working on this brief at all, which is why I didn’t actually manage to complete it. I have decided to not include it within the design boards for this exact same reason, but the work that I did do for the brief can be found on my blog.
I decided to keep the work I did produce up on my blog, because I learnt from working on the DSM brief that I don’t think I could ever work for commercial branding. I have come to learn that I like to design things for small one-off businesses or individuals, rather than large corporations like train companies. I also think that showing the kind of work that I don’t enjoy within my blogging helps to reinforce the type of designing that I love and the kind of designer that I would like to be when I graduate.
Although I was really happy with the concept that I came up with and the logo produced, I found the brief tedious and hard to work on properly. I felt that discontinuing the brief was the best idea, as I didn’t want to spend hours working on something that I really couldn’t stand when I had more exciting and worthwhile briefs to be working on instead for my portfolio!
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