I decided to have a look into some packaging ideas for the brand. We need simple yet effective ways of packaging our products!
Existing Jewellery Packaging:
I really love Shop Dixi's way of packaging jewellery to send out to customers. I think that the aesthetic is simple yet elegant. I like the fact that they have a variety of pouches, envelopes, boxes etc to package their products in, rather than sticking to the one form. I also really like how they've printed their logo onto everything to make you remember the brand.
I think that this packaging for Silice jewellery is really interesting and depending on our logo, we could think of interesting packaging elements incorporating origami like they've done with this brand, however I'm not entirely sure how well suited the geometric feel would be for a bohemian brand! I do, however, really love the organic feel to the packaging which is something that we could consider!
I love the use of gold foiling on these jewellery boxes, as it adds an element of luxury and interest to a very simple logo on the front of the box. I also like the idea of incorporating the logo on small jewellery tags - which are something we are yet to consider for our brand.
Something that I have noticed, from ordering jewellery online myself, is that a lot of sellers like to use jewellery pouches as they are convenient and hassle free, yet still pretty! I really like the little pouches and I know that you can get a lot of different coloured ones, so this will definitely be something we should have a look into...
You can get drawstring jewellery pouches in all sorts of colours, patterns and sizes on eBay for cheap so this will be a definite for the brand!
We found some purple ones with moons and stars on them and thought that they really suit the brand as we're called Lunasol and have a moon in our logo!
As our jewellery pouches are purple/lilac colour, we thought that the pillow boxes should be too so that colours are consistent! The annoying thing with buying online is that you can buy a pillow box for 20p or so but the postage is around £4! We're trying to keep the costs as minimal as humanly possible, so I thought why not try and make the pillow boxes ourselves using lilac stock???
I had a look in Leeds Uni to see what kind of lilac stock they have there. Annoyingly photographs don't do it justice - you can't really get a feel for the pearlescent on the paper or even how lilac it is. The paper at Leeds Uni wasn't double sided, so I decided to have a look online.
I found some pretty double sided pearlescent stock in a pack of 10xA4 sheets for £1.31 plus £1 postage, which is definitely more worth the money and convenient!
Bit of Primary Research:
When I used to make and sell my own jewellery, I used pillow boxes and draw string bags for packaging, and took photos of the products with a rose quartz crystal and glitter for props...
I think that this way of packaging my products previously was really cost effective, yet the products looked expensive and luxurious. I really like it when hand made product and packaging looks luxurious, as it makes the customer excited to receive their product! I also think that the way products are photographed is really important as you want customers to believe that you're professional and the products are worth the money!
I found some holographic foil at Pressision when I visited and thought that we could maybe try and foil our business cards or packaging. The only problem with foiling at uni is you have to use coated stock, otherwise the foil doesn't adhere to the paper properly.
J'nae spoke to James in the digital dungeon and he told us to try and order some holographic vinyl from Sydney Beaumont. However, when we rang up they were completely out of stock and have been waiting 5 weeks for their new stock and it still hasn't arrived! We decided that we should try and use chrome or silver vinyl instead, as it will be a lot easier to get hold of and guaranteed to look good whereas some holographic vinyl has horrible patterns and things in it that you don't really want.
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