For the shoot we need to organise a bunch of things so that it all goes smoothly...
First of all we'll need some models and photographers, otherwise we won't have any photos!
We sent an email out across uni and used some model scouting websites but had no luck, so took our own initiative and looked around uni for people who would be perfect for the shoot.
We spotted Izzie Glazzard in first year, as she has dreadlocks and would suit our brand perfectly! So I sent her an email and she was up for it! We also asked a friend of Jnae's called Lunar Rising but she wanted us to pay her to do the modelling, which we definitely didn't want to have to do.
Male wise, we decided to ask Jordan in our class as we want a male with long hair and who would suit the brand. We did get contacted by another student in the uni in response to our email but he didn't really fit the part.
Models down, now to find a photographer...
I contacted Vic through Facebook as I know her personally and asked if she would be interested in photographing for us. She was really up for the shoot, but being a professional photographer she couldn't do the shoot for free, which was annoying. Usually she charges between £800 and £1000 for the kind of shoot we were doing plus petrol etc, but being a friend she made us a deal of £450 for photography, editing and petrol. I spoke to J'nae but we definitely could not afford to fund this! So I sent an email out to student finance and got the following response:
We sent over an email to Amber but haven't had any response, so we've decided that we're going to have to look for a different photographer instead.
I sent an email over to Joseph Pickering, as we both really liked his style of photography.
We both absolutely love Joe's photographic style and think that it would suit our brand and make our photos stand out. I think we both really like the fact that he has a particular style and a certain softness to his photographs.
But we still haven't received any kind of reply!
In the meantime J'nae messaged a few people she knew but their portfolio's weren't strong enough or they just didn't reply at all.
I also messaged Scott Taylor over Facebook to see if he would be up for the shoot.
We both thought that Scott's work was really good and of high quality, although not completely the style that we were going for as we wanted the photos to be a little more care free and soft. But after speaking to Scott and telling him all about the shoot he seems really into it and adaptable which is great! We definitely feel like he's a candidate for the job.
Received a reply from Joe Pickering:
So have been exchanging emails:
I think that we'll work with Joe over Scott because of the fact his style suits our brand already where as Scott would need to adapt his style in order to suit us, which can't be guaranteed!
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