I learnt a lot about awkward clients from working on this brief. I definitely realised that setting limits and asking to be paid, rather than doing work in exchange for their skillsets, is a lot more beneficial as it means that the clients won't waste your time. I have also found that when you ask to be paid by a client, it scares off any time wasters!
Working with Jessie when we met up was really useful. I hadn't worked with a client face to face before, but it was really helpful as we could bounce ideas off of one another. Talking to Jessie face to face also helped with understanding the brand properly.
I haven't really done that many branding briefs, so this was definitely a challenge for me as it felt like a lot to take on. However, I really enjoyed working on it as it made a change from the usual stuff that I worked on. Deciding to stop working for Jessie took a lot of stress off of my shoulders and meant that I could concentrate on my COP and work on finishing her brief in the background, rather than making it priority.
I learnt a few different things about Illustrator and Photoshop from working on this brief, but the main things that I learnt were when it came to web designing on Wordpress. I didn't realise that you had to work through the wordpress.org in order to totally customise the coding, which was annoying as we had directed the custom URL to wordpress.com and you can't redirect a URL for a few months. This meant that my web design ideas were very limited, however I really liked how the website ended up looking!
I think that working on this brief taught me a lot about working with clients and also made me feel a lot more confident about my skills and designs.
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