After meeting with Jessie and covering how she would like to be represented as a brand, I started to work on some logo ideas and regularly sent her emails to focus my ideas without wasting either of our time by producing too many ideas in the wrong direction!
At first I was a little bit unsure on how to tackle the logo. Jessie has decided to brand herself as "Bright Young Things", which is quite a long name to work with for logo type. I played around with shortening the name to BYT to see how that could work, but this didn't really look right to me.
She had shown me a variety of logos that she liked - these were all quite feminine, with hand written typography incorporated. So I tried working with a more feminine, but professional design aesthetic.
From the first page, feedback that I received from Jess was that she preferred the camera path that I was taking, with the 'byt' inside the lens and the 'bright young things' written underneath, but she wasn't sure about the typography. So I played around with the typography choices, and also showed her how the camera could work with the 'o' from 'young' inside the lens instead, as it was easier to see than 'byt'.
I am meeting up with Jessie next week to discuss where I have come, and she would like to see how watermarks could look with the logo that I prefer.
The logo that I decided to work with:
I played around with a few of Jessie's images to see how a watermark could work. I've never actually worked with watermarking photos before, so I tried a variety of things to see what she preferred.
Unfortunately, Jessie has a lot on her plate, so have sent these images over to her via email to see what she thinks!
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