I met J'nae in uni to sort out our packaging and start making it ready to take some product shots in the morning. J'nae had already gone downstairs and cut out a variety of logos from the chrome vinyl that we had bought the day before.
We brought in everything from home that we could think of for our packaging and product photography.
J'nae had bought some boxes online that were the perfect size for our statement pieces. We had a little bit of a play around with iridescent foiling to see how it could look as part of the packaging, but we thought that it might be a bit too much and only really suited the one necklace.
Cutting out the vinyl lettering took forever...
Everything was finally coming together...
All of the packaging coming together as a set...
As we finished the packaging a lot sooner than expected, we decided to head down and get our photographs done that evening so that we could work on the look book etc. We brought in loads of different props for the shoot so that we could take some really pretty photos.
The product photoshoot was a huge success. We were photographing for 6 hours and took around 688 photos in one sitting! It was extremely tiring, but we wanted to make sure that we had enough photos to choose from as we felt as though we were lacking in usable photos from the shoot the other week with Joe. I was definitely very happy with how our product shots came out.
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