The Kwadraat Bladen series is interesting to look at, as they've produced a variety of publication editions based on square formats and grids. As I'll be working with a squared format, I think that I can gather inspiration from these series in terms of layout and how I can play around with the way the book folds or the shape of the publication.
I really like the use of bright, neon colours for this publication. I think that it makes the design so much more exciting and makes the book have a weird glow about it. I think that the layout for the context is quite interesting too.
I quite like the cover of this publication, however I'm not entirely sure if this type of design would best reflect myself and my own design practice. I think that the use of a belly band could work and could add something to my cover, as I think that I'd like quite a plain front cover for the publication.
I really like the idea of working with a concertina publication, as it means that I can produce something that folds out into one long design. I think that this concept would work really well for my design publication, as all of the Instagram photos could fold out into one long feed of inspiration.
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