As I'm pushed for time, I decided that it would be more worth while to create mockups of festival ephemera for this brief, as it's a concept brief and not for a real life client. I'm also terrible at using Photoshop, so I thought that forcing myself to make my own mockups would teach me a lot about Photoshop and strengthen my photo manipulating skills!
Now that the poster design are done, the rest of the branding should be pretty easy as I can follow the same concept of using the flowers or mandalas.
I made a ticket design on InDesign and then copied it over to Photoshop. Once in Photoshop, I manually added drop shadows and a paper texture to make the ticket look more lifelike.
I made a ticket design on InDesign and then copied it over to Photoshop. Once in Photoshop, I manually added drop shadows and a paper texture to make the ticket look more lifelike.
Also had a play around with skewing the ticket to show how it would look from a different angle!
I hunted for a photo of a wristband that is already pink so that it's easier to manipulate and found the following:
I then took this into photoshop and it took me about 2 hours to produce this:
I think that little bits could possibly be added to this to make it more finished, like the end tassles could have the festival name on them...
Considering I barely ever use Photoshop and only know how to use some very basic tools, I am extremely pleased with what I've produced for the wristband mockup!! It's not entirely realistic, but is seriously good for my Photoshopping skills and I'm extremely proud of myself.
VIP Lanyard
To make the lanyard mockup, I found an image of a lanyard and changed the background, colour of the lanyard rope and put my VIP design onto it, as well as the Wilderness logo to complete the look.
I definitely had a few issues producing this mockup, but I don't think I've done a bad job considering it was rally hard to get the colours right!
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