Before I printed my book, I thought that I would need to figure out how to make a consertina and how it would work as my book was going to be over 5 metres in length...
Making the consertina was easy, but working out how to attach each page was proving a bit confusing. I decided to go and have a chat to Danny again and see what he thought. After a lot of discussion we decided that I should buy some lining paper from Wilkinsons and attach each page to the paper. This would eliminate all problems of attaching the pages together and would mean that the book would be less likely to fall apart and less messy!
I had a little bit of a play around with the lining paper to see what kind of stock I should print onto. In the end I decided that standard cartridge paper would work best as the paper isn't too yellow in colour and has a nice texture and feel to it. It's also not too thick so the book can still fold easily.
Then for the scary part - printing out all the pages and sticking them down!
I went downstairs to the digital dungeon and printed the 30 pages for my book and then cut them all out and stuck them onto the lining paper using the edge as a guideline to make sure it was straight. I decided to start from the bottom as I wanted to use an extra page of paper at the top to attach to the cover.
I also bought some Buckram cloth to make the front cover out of. I decided to go for turquoise as it reflects my personal branding colours..
The covers were then attached to the publication and VOILA!
Metres of colour!!
I am extremely pleased with the outcome of my publication. I think that it reflects me and my way of working entirely and is also very aesthetically pleasing as you watch the spectrum of colours unfold. I think that it's going to be really hard to photograph properly and took a very long time to print out and make, but I think that the final quality of the finishing is much better than I had expected and I'm actually really proud and amazed at what I've managed to produce in a short amount of time!!! Plus, I haven't done a bad job design wise, considering I don't like designing for editorial.
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