6 of us headed out to Meanwood Nature Valley Trail today to take the photos for the shoot. The location ended up being absolutely perfect, as there were so many different areas we could shoot in and the wildlife was incredible.
Here are some behind the scenes pics from the day taken by Elliot and J'nae:
And a few pics I took on the day:
To take photos for all of the looks it took over 6 hours on location, as we were constantly walking around looking for different areas and plants to take photos in front of. It was an extremely tiring day, but definitely worth it! Joe was really easy to work with and professional - he had loads of ideas and gave direction to Izzie and Jordan which was helpful, as sometimes both J'nae and I got a bit carried away with our ideas so it was good that Joe knew how to tone our ideas down a bit.
I'm really looking forward to see the final edits! They should be with us in the next couple of days, so we will be able to put them into our look book etc very soon!!!
We also worked with Elliot on creating footage of the shoot to put on our website and social media, or as a promo video. I think working with angles for video was really interesting and it allowed us to capture movement and close ups of the jewellery in another style, which is always great!
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