I found the Peter and Paul brief enjoyable but very challenging. I was excited to get to work on this brief as I had loads of ideas to contribute and was working with Sarah Heal, who I hadn’t managed to work with before. Deciding to collaborate with Sarah was a really good idea, as we both share common interests and passions for lettering, as well as being able to come up with fun and crazy ideas together.
What I found challenging about this brief was being able to meet up with Sarah regularly to work on it. We were both very busy with COP work and other commitments at the time and the type of design that we were producing required dedication and a lot of sitting there for hours fiddling around on Illustrator. Illustrator was another challenge for me. I’m not that confident when using the software for vectorising hand rendered sketches, so when it came to bringing our typography into the software I definitely felt out of depth. Sarah is such a wizz kid when it comes to Illustrator so was happily working away on loads of complex parts of the design, whilst I sat there struggling to create realistic leaves, vines and grapes!
This brief was extremely time consuming, but I learnt a lot from Sarah about Adobe software and feel so much more confident with Illustrator because of this brief. I think that if I hadn’t felt so out of my comfort zone when it came to vectorising the artwork, then I would have been able to contribute to the final design a lot more. However, a lot of the time I would try to tackle a part of the design and Sarah would just redo it for me as I hadn’t done it properly.
I think that me and Sarah work well together, but if we collaborate again in the future, I would like to try and do something that is less software based and more to do with both of our drawing skills, as I think we could create a really exciting piece without Adobe!
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