I set this 3 day brief so that I could take some time out of my busy schedule and work on something that I really love that makes me feel relaxed. I have loved hand-rendering typography on the side-lines, so thought that incorporating this love into a brief would be a nice little addition to my body of work and my portfolio.
Working on a short term brief was experiential as well as stress reducing. I find that I work a lot better in shorter periods of time and am often happier with what I’ve produced when I’ve had less time to work on them. This is because I get a lot more involved and dedicated to the brief when the deadline is shorter and tend to find that longer briefs can be disregarded slightly as you start to get bored of working on them for so long.
I developed a variety of skills through working on this brief. My lettering skills have progressed and I am starting to feel really confident with how my hand-rendered designs are coming along. I’ve even decided to set up my own design Instagram because of this brief, as I wanted to have another platform to showcase my personal and lettering work on.
I really enjoyed working on this brief as it made a change from all the other briefs that I had going on at the time. I will definitely continue to pursue my love for lettering and typography after university and may even revisit this brief to extend upon it and turn it into a daily thing over the summer or something similar.
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