I decided to have a look at some existing lookbooks to get some inspiration for ours.
I liked the simplistic feel to this lookbook and I thought that the layout for the images and body copy was quite interesting. The use of white stock means that the images stand out on the page and there aren't very many distractions from said imagery.
Again the lookbook is very simplistic, focusing on the imagery with a minimal amount of bodycopy. I like the variety of layouts used for the images and how they've incorporated both full bleed images and images with borders.
The layout for this lookbook is still simplistic, but a bit more interesting to look at as they've considered their grids and columns and added in fold out pages in order to use larger imagery. I also quite like the cover, as they've brought the layout of the inside of the book to the cover too, which holds continuity and also makes you want to pick up the book and read it, due to having such an interesting looking front cover.
I really love the use of a variety of stocks, as it adds a little bit of colours to pages that don't use imagery as well as adding points of interest to the publication. Again, I think that the fold out pages are a really good way of using larger imagery and also make the publication more interactive. I think that the plain front cover is interesting, as you aren't quite sure what to expect from the rest of the lookbook. The binding used also compliments the front cover well.
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