I definitely struggled with this brief for a long time. I think that the idea of working on a brief that was so open to interpretation made it a really difficult brief to work on. It took me weeks to think of an idea that I thought represented me that, at the same time, had to meet all of the critera of the brief set.
Once I figured out how to tackle the brief, I actually really enjoyed what I was working on. I decided to take a different approach to designing my publication, and thought that I would be a bit risky with my layout and choices, which definitely pulled off. I love what I produced and think that a lot of different readers would also really enjoy looking through my publication, as it’s so aesthetically pleasing due to the flow of colours.
I think that the publication that I produced reflects my personal research methodology entirely and I think that through the vast amount of imagery, you really get an insight into my personal interests and passions, without having to read loads of text explaining what I love.
The main thing that I learnt from this brief is to not let my head get the better of me. I was so indecisive with concepts for so long that it ate away at my time and meant that I had less time to work on the final publication and the finishing of the final product. I also noticed myself comparing my ideas to other peers, when that was completely the wrong thing to do as each publication was designed around your own personal research methodology, so obviously my publication was going to be entirely different to someone else’s.
I am really pleased with my design publication and I definitely surprised myself with how well I can manage my time when I have short time constraints. I think that if I were to revisit this brief I would get the book professionally printed and bound so as to save myself time and hassle in the long run.
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