It took Joe Pickering quite a long turn around time in regards to the images that he took for our shoot. What was annoying was the fact that during the day of the shoot he promised that he would edit the shots and send them back to us within a couple of days, but we actually waited a couple of weeks before he sent them over which meant that everything else was put on hold as we needed the images for the lookbook!
Also, he barely even edited the images and sent us a few really weird ones, so I went through the bunch that he sent me and selected the best few and edited them. He also sent us a few analogue images which I didn't want to edit as I liked the feel of the developed film.
Digital Images:
Analogue Images:
I am really happy with how the selection of photographs turned out. I think that Izzie and Jordan were so well suited for the brief and both pulled off the Bohemian vibe so smoothly. I loved how Jordan was completely in his element during the shoot and we barely even had to direct him as he looked so in touch with the wild. Izzie's dreads were perfection and she definitely looked amazing in all of the outfits that we styled for her. It's a shame that we didn't get as many images out of the 6 hour long day on location, however it was a great experience and I learnt a lot from working on this brief!
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